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Helpful Links

Safety, Health, and Well-being


Safety and Crime Prevention

There are a variety of actions you can take every day to ensure the safety of yourself and the ones you love.  The Metropolitan Police Department provides advice on things you can do.


Have your Water tested for free for lead

DC Water offers free annual lead testing to help residents identify potential lead sources. Lead test kits are delivered to customer households to allow homeowners to collect water samples. To request a free lead test kit, contact the Drinking Water Division at 202-612-3440 or email


Find out how to have a healthy home

The Department of Energy and the Environment has an active Healthy Homes Program that can help with problems such as mold and mildew, lead paint, asthma triggers, bed bugs, and radon.


Services for Aging Citizens

DC’s Office of Aging is a good source of information about services for aging citizens.


Help for Veterans

Veterans can get help in filing claims and receive other services at this agency


Find services for disabled citizens

DC’s agencies can help citizens find services and protect their rights.


Transportation, Parking, and Drivers' Licenses


Avoid having to go downtown to the Department of Motor Vehicles

DC’s DMV offers a large number of services on line, including vehicle registration renewals and paying parking tickets.


Learn about the District’s Real ID program and how it will affect you

DC is phasing in the Real ID program and when your turn comes, you will need some identification documents to enable you to renew your driver’s license.


Allow your visitors to park in Zone 3 parking restricted areas

Temporary passes are available from the Police Department.  Yearly visitor parking passes can also be requested.


Our Homes and Neighborhood


Getting things fixed by the DC government

DC has recently really beefed up its citizen response capability through its 311 portal.  This portal is available by phone (311) but also from your computer.  DC agencies have been directed to respond to these requests, and their performance is often very punctual.


Find out about your local parks and activities

DC is the #1 ranked city nationwide when it comes to parkland percentage and parkland per 1,000 residents. Several are right here in our neighborhood.


Get help with Trash and Recycling

DC’s Department of Public Works allows citizens to schedule bulk trash collection. In addition, it runs a household hazardous waste program. Citizens can also find out about leaf and holiday tree collection.


Help for Tenants

Tenants can get help with landlord problems at this agency.


Complain about a Establishment that services alcoholic beverages

DC has inspectors who can respond immediately to disturbances as well as investigate repetitive problems with such establishments.


Report what appears to be illegal construction

DC has inspectors who will immediately respond to situations that may involve illegal construction.  In addition to alerting the inspectors, you may also want to alert your Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner.


DC Comprehensive Plan for land use

The District of Columbia’s Comprehensive Plan is a 20-year framework that guides future growth and development. Originally adopted in 2006 and amended in 2011, it addresses a wide range of topics that affect how we experience the city. These topics include land use, economic development, housing, environmental protection, historic preservation, transportation, and more. The DC Off­ice of Planning has launched an eff­ort to amend the Comprehensive Plan a second time to ensure that it remains responsive to the needs of the community.


Get a better understanding of DC’s new Zoning Regulations

DC has developed a Handbook on the new Zoning Regulations to help citizens gain a better understanding of the zoning requirements in our city.


NOTE:  For links to institutions and places in our neighborhoods, click on Our Neighborhoods


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