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How to Search the ANC3D website


There are two ways to find the document you are searching for on this website:

1) Use the search function below to identify the page(s) where your document may be located, and then use the “search” or “find” function in your personal browser to locate the specific document ON THAT SPECIFIC PAGE.





2) Identify the page where the document may be located by understanding the organization of this website, and then either browse that page or use the “search” or “find” function in your personal browser to locate the specific document on that specific page.

The website’s pages are organized so that the most recent documents considered/created by the ANC are located on the “RECENT MEETINGS” pages.

Older documents are located on the ARCHIVE pages, organized by topic (Residences, Businesses, Institutions, etc.)  The documents are organized on these archive pages as described at the top of each archive table of contents.  You can browse the page, or use your browser’s “search” or “find” function to pinpoint the specific document location.

Note that LIQUOR LICENSES are also contained on a separate page for convenience.

If you have any problems locating the document you need, please do not hesitate to contact our Administrator.

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